— Older on-line classes

When Minnesota was shut down to counteract the Coronavirus, TCAC began holding zoom classes. When we were able to have limited in-dojo classes, we continued some of the classes on both zoom and in the dojo.
This page has classes through 12/31/2020 – classes 1-144

Quarantine Classes - instructor and participants at home
(29:55) 5th on-line class from 5/11/2020 Mon - standing techniques

(28:03) 6th on-line class from 5/13/2020 Wed - yoko kaiten ukemi, ukemi techniques for yokomenuchi nikkyo, yokomenuchi kotegaeshi

(31:35) 7th on-line class from 5/15/2020 Fri - standing yokomenuchi kotegaeshi, ikkyo, ude kimi

(30:03) 8th on-line class from 5/18/2020 Mon - standing shomenuchi ikkyo, kokyunage, koshinage

(32:11) 9th on-line class from 5/20/2020 Wed - ukemi practice for Shomenuchi kokyuho, tenchinage, sankyo, nikyo, kotegaeshi

(30:00) 10th on-line class from 5/22/2020 Fri - standing practice: morotetori ikkyo, morotetori ude kime nage, katatori nikkyo, katatetori kokyunage

(32:46) 11th on-line class from 5/26/2020 Tues - standing practice: tai sabaki, kokyu ho

(35:51) 12th on-line class from 5/27/2020 Wed - ukemi practice

(31:54) 13th on-line class from 5/28/2020 Thurs - Standing practice: ushiro tekubitori

(28:06) 14th on-line class from 6/01/2020 Mon - Standing practice: tai sabaki with hanmi switch

(30:06) 15th on-line class from 6/03/2020 Wed - Ukemi Practice

(31:24) 16th on-line class from 6/05/2020 Fri - Standing Practice - shomenuchi ikkyo sabaki standing techniques

(33:09) 17th on-line class from 6/08/2020 Mon Standing Class 4th kyu techniques: tsuki iriminage 3 techniques (irimi, tenkan, tenchin); ushiro ryo katatori kote gaeshi; yokomenuchi shihonage;

(32:20) 18th on-line class from 6/10/2020 Wed Floor Class: ukemi practice (roll practice) ukemi for yokomenuchi shihonage; yokomenuchi ude kimi nage;

19th on-line class from 6/11/2020 Thurs Standing Class (I missed recording this)
Color code: Green are regular classes, Brown are classes featuring weapons, Black are basics.
While prepping the dojo for re-opening, instructor at dojo/participants at home
(29:04) 20th on-line class from 6/15/2020 Mon Standing Class, plus some weapons movement
(30:41) 21st on-line class from 6/17/2020 Wed Ukemi Class

(30:27) 22nd on-line class from 6/19/2020 Fri Bokken Class

Post Quarantine - instructor at dojo, participants at home and at the dojo
(58:25) 23rd on-line class from 6/23/2020 Tues Basic Class

(57:05) 24th on-line class from 6/24/2020 Wed Regular Class
using jo to show where hands are positioned - hassō gaeshi to shomen, which is iriminage; rear foot tenchin using jo to “see” katatetori soto; jo visualization of katatetori koshinage; kiri otoshi (cutting drop) from yokomen

(55:40) 25th on-line class from 6/26/2020 Fri Regular Class
Bokken Shomen basic strikes - Step/Shomen, Slide/Shomen, Squat/Shomen; Tai Sabaki: front and rear foot tenchin; hanmi switch; Bokken do cut (across belly); Bokken shiho cut; Bokken shiho ura; Yokomenuchi shihonage omote/ura; shomenuchi shihonage open hand/with bokken

(58:49) 26th on-line class from 6/28/2020 Sun Weapons Class
Bokken vs Jo-the Jo side; Jo waza katatetori kokyunage; Jo waza ai hanmi katatetori ikkyo

(1:00:58) 27th on-line class from 6/30/2020 Tues Basic Class
5th/6th Kyu techniques; Katatetori iriminage; Shomenuchi Ikkyo omote and ura from both nage and uke perspective; kokyu dosa

(46:30) 28th on-line class from 7/01/2020 Wed Regular Class
spice up regular techniques; Shomenuchi ikkyo; shomenuchi seoi otoshi; shomenuchi ude garuma; shomenuchi koshinage; katatetori ukei otoshi (floating drop)

(59:56) 29th on-line class from 7/03/2020 Friday Regular Class
spice up regular techniques; Tsuki kokyu ho or kokyu nage; Tsuki kokyu nage kaze garuma (windmill); Ryotetori tenchinage; Kata hiki otoshi (shoulder pulling drop); Standing kokyu dosa

(59:45) 30th on-line class from 7/05/2020 Sun Weapons Class
Jo vs Bokken practice (both sides); Bokto waza shomenuchi kokyu ho; Bokto waza katatetori kokyu ho; Bokto waza katatetori shihonage; open hand katatetori shihonage; Bokto waza shomenuchi shihonage

(1:02:02) 31st on-line class from 7/07/2020 Tues Basic Class
Ushiro Tekubitori: Ushiro Tekubitori kote gaeshi and kote gaeshi from the uke side; Ushiro tekubitori ikkyo from nage and uke side; Ushiro tekubitori ikkyo ura

(1:01:10) 32nd on-line class from 7/08/2020 Wed Regular Class
Tai Sabaki; Kata tori (shoulder grab) nikkyo omote and ora; hanmi handachi Kata tori nikkyo omote and ora; Kata tori tai otoshi; Kata tori kokyunage tenchinage style; Kata tori koshpostinage;

(1:01:37) 33rd on-line class from 7/10/2020 Fri Regular Class
Open Handed Techniques; ha so gaeshi shomen leading to katate tori iriminage; jo irimi tenkan ha so gaeshi; jo irimi tenkan ha so gaeshi shomen; Irimi tenkan kaiten kokyunage;
(1:00:03) 34th on-line class from 7/12/2020 Sun Weapons
Happo Undo with Bokken; Bokken vs Jo Kumi Tachi, Bokken side; Bokto waza Shomenuchi Kokyu nage; Open hand morotetori kokyunage omote; Open hand morotetori kokyu nage ura; Bokto waza shomenuchi (morotetori) kokyu nage ura; Bokto waza shomenuchi (morotetori) (rear foot tenchin) ude kimi nage; Open hand morotetori (rear foot tenchin) ude kimi nage;

(1:01:29) 35th on-line class from 7/14/2020 Tues Basic
Yokemnuchi with front foot tenchin. Yokomenuchi ikkyo; and the ukemi for it; Yokomenuchi ikkyo ura; and the ukemi for it; Yokomenuchi iriminage; and the ukemi for it;

(1:00:38) 36th on-line class from 7/15/2020 Wed Regular
Yokomenuchi shihonage; and the ukemi; Yokomenuchi shihonage ura; and the ukemi; Hanmi handachi Yokomenuchi shihonage; O Soto otoshi (big outside drop) (brief demo); Tai otoshi (body drop)

(1:00:31) 37th on-line class from 7/17/2020 Fri Regular
using a Jo to visualize oponent's arm: Katatetori kokyu ho or kokyu nage ; and the ukemi; Katatetori kokyu ho or kokyu nag ura; and the ukemi; Tsuki hiji kime (an elbow lock (visualize figure 4) followed by a throw; and the ukemi; Tsuki ikkyo; Tsuki Ikkyo ura; Tsuki Kote Gaeshi; Katatetori maki otoshi;

(1:00:44) 38th on-line class from 7/19/2020 Sun Weapons
Jo vs Bokken kumi tachi (entire Jo side); Jo Yokomenuchi attack; Jo tori (you start with no weapon and take the jo away) yokomenuchi ikkyo; Jo tori yokomenuchi ikkyo (using the jo to visualize partner's arm); Open hand shomenuchi nikkyo; shomenuchi nikkyo - ura; shomenuchi nikkyo - ura - ukemi

(59:14) 39th on-line class from 7/21/2020 Tues Basic
Very Basic Class: Body movement exercises - kaiten, tenkan, irimi tenkan; Menuchi Ikkyo undo (swing up exercise); Shomenuchi Iriminage; Shomenuchi with Jo; Shomenuchi Iriminage; Shomenuchi Iriminage ukemi; Shomenuchi kokyu ho or kokyu nage; Jo Shomenuchi attack; Shomenuchi Ikkyo (first wrist control); Suari Waza (both partners on their knees) Shomenuchi Ikkyo (first wrist control); Using the jo - tsuki / block / reset
(1:00:33) 40th on-line class from 7/22/2020 Wed Regular
Review of ukemi in the warmup section; katatetori nikyo omote; katatetori nikyo ukemi; katatetori uki otoshi (floating drop); Shomenuchi seoi otoshi; Shomenuchi seoi otoshi ukemi; yokomenuchi o soto otoshi (big outside drop); yokomenuchi o soto otoshi-ukemi

(59:37) 41th on-line class from 7/24/2020 Fri Regular using Weapons to visualize movement
Bokto waza ude kemi nage; Open hand morotetori ude kemi nage; Bokto waza iriminage; Bokto waza iriminage - ukemi; Open hand morotetori iriminage; bokto waza
Yo hizate tai otoshi (double knee body drop) and ukemi; then Open hand morotetori Yo hizate tai otoshi; shiho with Bokken; Shomenuchi Iriminage; Suari Waza Shomenuchi Iriminage

(1:00:44) 42th on-line class from 7/26/2020 Sun Weapons
Bokken vs Jo, the Bokken side full kata; Bokto waza shomenuchi kokyunage; open hand morotetori kokyunage; morotetori kokyunage ukemi; bokto waza shomenuchi kokyunage mai ukemi; bokto waza shomenuchi ikkyo; open hand morotetori ikkyo; morotetori ikkyo - ukemi

(1:00:59) 43th on-line class from 7/28/2020 Tues Basic
Theme Sankyo: Shomenuchi Sankyo (omote); Shomenuchi Sankyo (omote) - ukemi; Shomenuchi Sankyo (ura); Shomenuchi Sankyo (ura) - ukemi; Shomenuchi kaitenage Soto; Shomenuchi kaitenage Soto - ukemi; Shomenuchi kaitenage uchi;

(56:35) 44th on-line class from 7/29/2020 Wed Regular
Theme - koshi; Shomenuchi Ikkyo; Shomenuchi Koshi nage from Ikkyo beginning - 2 ways; Shomenuchi Sankyo - omote; Shomenuchi koshi nage from a Sankyo beginning

(01:01:57) 45th on-line class from 7/31/2020 Fri Regular
Theme - Ikkyo/Sankyo; Shomenuchi ikkyo omote; Shomenuchi ikkyo omote-ukemi; Shomenuchi ude garuma from an ikkyo opening and ukemi; Shomenuchi ikkyo projection; Shomenuchi sankyo; Shomenuchi maki otoshi from a Sankkyo opening

August Classes - instructor at dojo, participants at home and at the dojo
(01:02:35) 46th on-line class from 8/2/2020 Sunday weapons
Bokken vs Jo, the Jo side full kata; Bokken vs Jo with instructor simulating the Bokken; Jo waza shihonage using hanmi shift; katatetori shihonage; katatetori shihonage with instructor simulating ukemi; Jo waza shihonage ura; Open hand shihonage ura;

(01:02:04) 47th on-line class from 8/4/2020 Tuesday Basic
Theme - yokomen: Yokomenuchi ikkyo omote; Yokomenuchi ikkyo, omote ukemi; Yokomenuchi ikkyo ura; Yokomenuchi iriminage; Yokomenuchi ude keminage

(01:02:33) 48th on-line class from 8/7/2020 Fri Regular
Theme - yokomen: Yokomenuchi kote gaeshi; Yokomenuchi iriminage; Yokomenuchi kiri otoshi (cutting drop); ushiro tekubitori kiri otoshi (cutting drop); yokomenuchi kaeshi waza - ogoshi (big hip); yokomenuchi kaeshi waza - uki goshi (little hip)

(59:34) 49th on-line class from 8/9/2020 Sun Weapons
starting@13:20 Bokken vs Jo kumi tachi - Jo side; @21:32 ai hanmi katatetori jo waza ikkyo ura; @28:45 open hand ai hanmi katatetori ikkyo ura; @34:50 front foot tenchin haso gaeshi equivalent to iriminage; @42:10 open hand yokomenuchi iriminage; @47:30 jo waza ikkyo ura; @53:19 open hand yokomenuchi ikkyo ura;

(01:01:28) 50th on-line class from 8/11/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: Ushiro Tekubitori; starting@18:32 3 ways to do ushiro tekubitori; @19:56 Ushiro tekubitori ikkyo omote; @27:30 Ushiro tekubitori ikkyo omote ukemi; @32:16 Ushiro tekubitori ikkyo ura; @40:23 Ushiro tekubitori ikkyo ura ukemi; @44:28 Ushiro tekubitori kokyu ho; @49:51 Ushiro tekubitori kokyu ho ukemi; @53:21 Ushiro kote gaeshi

(01:01:01) 51th on-line class from 8/12/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: Ushiro Ryo Katatori (2 hands grabbing shoulders from behind); starting@26:16 3 ways to do ushiro ryo kata tori; @27:38 Ushiro ryo kata tori kokyunage mai ukemi; @30:30 Hanmi handachi (one person standing nage sitting) ushiro ryo kata tori kokyunage mai ukemi; @34:50 Ushiro ryo kata tori sankyo (off first hand); @45:25 Hanmi handachi ushiro ryo kata tori sankyo; @50:58 Ushiro ryo kata tori kote gaeshi (off 2nd hand);

(01:04:18) 52th on-line class from 8/14/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: Ushiro Ryo Katatetori (or ushiro tekubitori) (2 hands grabbing 2 wrists from behind); starting@26:02 3 ways to do ushiro ryo kata tori; @27:03 Ushiro tekubitori koshi nage (hip throw); @42:58 Ushiro tekubitori sankyo to ogoshi (big hip throw) koshi; @54:55 Ushiro tekubitori maki otoshi (wrapping (maki) drop(otoshi));

(01:00:49) 53th on-line class from 8/16/2020 Sun Weapons
Bokken: @07:11 Bokken Cutting exercises; @07:11 Slide forward Shomen, slide back shomen; @18:17 Tsuki with bokken; @23:00 Continuous block and strike exercise; @26:05 Do cut; @29:07 Kesa giri (diagonal cut, shoulder to hip); @33:53 Tai sabaki (footwork) for bokken; @46:43 Jo vs Bokken,bokken side, first half; @51:53 Bokto waza shomenuchi kokyu ho; @56:51 Bokto waza shomenuchi kokyu ho with hanmi shift;

(59:52) 54th on-line class from 8/18/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: Kata menuchi: @22:55 Kata menuchi attack; @24:02 Kata menuchi response; @25:39 Kata menuchi ikkyo omote; @39:01 Kata menuchi ikkyo ura; @44:42 Kata menuchi shihonage omote; @44:42 Kata menuchi shihonage ura; @55:01 Kata menuchi kokyunage or kokyu ho;

(01:01:04) 55th on-line class from 8/21/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: Kata menuchi: @16:10 Review of last 2 classes; @17:01 kata menuchi arm bar to catch their elbows and then throw~kokyunage?; @22:54 ukemi for same; @26:50 kata menuch iriminage (unconventional); @32:33 ukemi for the unconventional iriminage; @35:59 what happens if they don't hold on; @41:50 Kata hiki otoshi (pulling shoulder drop) from the kata menuchi attack; @48:15 the ukemi for kata hiki otoshi; @51:14 kata menuchi nikkyo from the grabbing hand; @58:14 kata menuchi kokyunage;

(01:01:31) 56th on-line class from 8/23/2020 Sun Weapons
Bokken: @05:54 bokken review; @07:51 bokken strikes review; @11:54 bokken tai sabaki (movement exercises) 3 from last week, and adding 3 more, two which start with waki no kamae (sort of hiding the bokken behind you); @23:59 receiving an attack to the side using a front or rear foot tenchin; @29:56 a way of visualizing irimi with a bokken; @32:30 open hand doing the irimi; @37:53 the ukemi for this iriminage; @47:23 a way of visualizing shihonage with a bokken; @50:46 open hand doing the shihonage from katatetori; @54:17 the bokken vs jo kumi tachi, 2nd half of the bokken side

(01:02:16) 57th on-line class from 8/25/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: ryotetori (two hands grabbing two hands); @22:36 ryotetori tenchinage (heaven and earth throw); @27:25 ryotetori tenchinage - ukemi; @38:47 ryotetori shihonage omote; @43:10 ryotetori shihonage omote-ukemi; @46:53 ryotetori shihonage ura; @50:41 ryotetori shihonage ura-ukemi; @54:12 ryotetori kaitenage uchi(insidE); @59:44 kokyu dosa

(01:00:49) 58th on-line class from 8/26/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: ryotetori (two hands grabbing two hands); @22:34 hiji kimi using jo to simulate uke's arm; @23:57 kokyu ho or kokyu nage using jo to simulate uke's arm; @26:18 ryotetori kokyu nage or kokyu ho; @29:42 ukemi for ryotetori kokyu nage; @32:18 ryotetori kokyu nage going through hiji kimi; @37:57 ukemi for ryotetori kokyu nage going through hiji kimi; @41:11 ryotetori kokyu nage going through hiji kimi and then a choke hold; @48:13 ukemi for ryotetori kokyu nage going through hiji kimi and then a choke hold; @51:43 ryotetori kaitenage, going through ikkyo; @51:43 ukmei for ryotetori kaitenage, going through ikkyo; @58:42 Standing kokyu dosa;

(01:01:07) 59th on-line class from 8/28/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: ryotetori (two hands grabbing two hands); @27:08 ryotetori koshinage ogoshi (big hip); @32:46 ryotetori koshi from an ikkyo start; @37:28 ryotetori kokyunage (ryote garuma) if uke is pushing on you; @41:15 ukemi for ryote garuma; @37:28 ryotetori kokyunage if uke is pulling on you; @48:29 ukemi for ryote garuma; @51:37 ryotetori kata hiki otoshi (pulling shoulder drop); @56:50 ukemi for ryotetori kata hiki otoshi;

(01:01:31) 60th on-line class from 8/30/2020 Sun Weapons
Bokken: @09:43 Bokken 8 basic Tai Sabaki; @22:00 bokto waza shomenuchi morotetori ude kemi nage; @29:50 open hand shomenuchi morotetori ude kemi nage; @33:03 ukemi for shomenuchi morotetori ude kemi nage; @38:50 bokto waza shomenuchi morotetori iriminage; @44:50 open hand shomenuchi morotetori iriminage; @48:34 ukemi for shomenuchi morotetori iriminage; @53:15 the bokken vs jo kumi tachi, bokken side

Sept Classes - instructor at dojo, participants at home and at the dojo
(01:01:21) 61st on-line class from 9/1/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: Tsuki @17:49 Tsuki basics; @18:47 Tsuki kokyu ho; @22:58 Tsuki kokyu ho (omote); @22:58 ukemi for Tsuki kokyu ho; @26:23 Tsuki kokyu ho (ura); @30:23 ukemi for Tsuki kokyu ho (ura); @34:14 Tsuki iriminage 1 (quick entry); @37:53 ukemi for Tsuki iriminage 1; @40:56 Tsuki iriminage 2 (kaiten footwork); @45:26 ukemi for Tsuki iriminage 2; @47:28 Tsuki iriminage 3 (tenkan footwork); @51:27 ukemmi for Tsuki iriminage 3; @54:35 Tsuki iriminage 4 (front foot tenchin footwork); @58:46 ukemi for Tsuki iriminage 4;

(01:01:03) 62nd on-line class from 9/2/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: Tsuki @25:42 Tsuki basics; @25:55 Tsuki sankyo; @33:22 ukemi for Tsuki sankyo; @37:34 tsuki uchi kaitenage (uchi=inside); @43:00 ukemi for tsuki uchi kaitenage; @47:16 tsuki soto kaitenage (soto=outside); @54:59 tsuki uchi kaitenage - ura;

(01:00:59) 63nd on-line class from 9/4/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: Tsuki @25:42 tsuki kaze garuma (a kokyunage) (with a kaiten foot movement); @30:05 ukemi for tsuki kaze garuma; @34:17 tsuki ude keminage (with front foot tenchin); @41:38 tsuki kote gaeshi; @49:15 tsuki o soto otoshi (big outside drop); @54:23 ukemi for tsuki o soto otoshi; @57:39 tsuki ogoshi (big hip) koshi nage;

(01:01:31) 64nd on-line class from 9/6/2020 Sun Weapons
Bokken: @16:18 Review Bokken side of Bokken vs Jo Kumi tachi; @18:41 Review Jo side of Bokken vs Jo Kumi tachi; @22:13 Paired practice Bokken side; @24:56 Paired practice Jo side; @27:17 8 Bokken tai sabaki; @36:11 another weapons system-1 shintai, 2 shiho giri, 
3 zen go, 
4 iriminage, 
5 shihonage omote
, 6 shihonage ura
, 7 kaiten in, 
8 kaiten yo;

(01:01:31) 65th on-line class from 9/8/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: morotetori (two hands grabbing nage's one hand: @21:09 Morotetori kokyunage or kokyu ho using a hanmi shift (omote); @25:41 ukemi for morotetori kokyunage; @29:09 morotetori kokyunage ura; @32:37 ukemi for morotetori kokyunage ura; @36:42 morotetori kokyunage mai ukemi using a hanmi shift; @39:32 ukemi morotetori kokyunage mai ukemi; @42:57 morotetori kokyunage mai ukemi using an entering movement; @45:20 morotetori kokyunage mai ukemi ura; @51:58 morotetori kokyunage ude keminage using rear foot tenchin; @56:28 ukemi for morotetori ude keminage using rear foot tenchin;

(01:01:31) 66th on-line class from 9/9/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: morotetori (two hands grabbing nage's one hand) using bokken as inspiration: @17:13 Tai sabaki using bokken;
@26:06 Morotetori ude keminage with bokken; @29:25 Morotetori ude keminage open hand; @32:32 Morotetori ude keminage front foot tenchin; @35:13 ukemi for morotetori ude keminage front foot tenchin;
@37:53 morotetori ikkyo with bokken; @40:49 morotetori ikkyo open hand; @46:28 morotetori ikkyo ura with bokken; @50:02 morotetori ikkyo ura open hand;
@51:40 morotetori yo hizate tai otoshi (2 knee body drop) with bokken; @56:36 morotetori yo hizate tai otoshi open hand; @58:28 ukemi for morotetori yo hizate tai otoshi;

(01:01:31) 67th on-line class from 9/11/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: morotetori (two hands grabbing nage's one hand) using bokken as inspiration: @25:43 morotetori nikkyo using bokken; @28:42 morotetori nikkyo open hand; @31:31 ukemi for morotetori nikkyo; @37:26 ukemi pin for morotetori nikkyo; @39:49 brief discussion of traditional morotetori nikkyo; @40:17 bokken with morotetori yo hizate tai otoshi (2 knee body drop) leading to koshi nage; @43:34 open hand morotetori yo hizate tai otoshi (2 knee body drop) leading to koshi nage; @48:43 ukemi for morotetori yo hizate tai otoshi leading to koshi nage; @52:40 morotetori nikkyo going through ikkyo sabaki with front foot tenchin

(01:01:31) 68th on-line class from 9/15/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: 5-6th kyu test techniques: @7:47 ukemi (rolls); @15:20 Torifuna (rowing exercise); @17:47 Menuchi Ikkyo Undo (swing up exercise); @20:19 happo undo (8 direction exercise); @22:40 body movement-tenkan, irimi tenkan, tenchin; @26:20 basic grabs--katatetori, ai hanmi katatetori, morotetori, ryotetori; @27:50 basic strikes-shomenuchi, tsuki, ryotetori; @31:45 tyno henko exercise; @31:45 shomenuchi iriminage; @38:24 ukemi for shomenuchi iriminage; @41:18 shomnuchi ikkyo omote; @45:32 ukemi for shomnuchi ikkyo omote; @46:00 shomnuchi ikkyo ura; 53:03 ukemi for shomnuchi ikkyo ura; @56:39 kokyu dosa; @59:24 ukemi for kokyu dosa;

(01:01:31) 69th on-line class from 9/18/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: 5-6th kyu test techniques: ; @18:02 briefly review shomenuchi ikkyo omote; @20:31 briefly review ukemi for shomenuchi ikkyo omote; @21:59 briefly review shomenuchi ikkyo ura; @24:59 briefly review ukemi for shomenuchi ikkyo ura; @26:24 shomenuchi iriminage; @28:20 ukemi for shomenuchi iriminage; @29:45 katatetori shihonage omote; @33:15 ukemi for katatetori shihonage omote; @35:59 katatetori shihonage ura; @38:25 ukemi for katatetori shihonage ura; @41:04 ryotetori tenchinage, omote - heaven and earth throw; @43:38 ukemi for ryotetori tenchinage omote; @46:02 ryotetori tenchinage, ura - heaven and earth throw; @48:07 ukemi for ryotetori tenchinage ura; @50:32 tsuki kote gaeshi; @55:36 ukemi for tsuki kote gaeshi; @59:00 briefly, ushiro tekubitori kote gaeshi;

(01:01:31) 70th on-line class from 9/20/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: Using Tanto to direct motion: @17:27 ai hanmi katatetori ikkyo omote; @22:03 ai hanmi katatetori ikkyo ura; @26:34 hanmi shift footwork; @28:54 morotetori kokyunage omote; @35:20 morotetori kokyunage mai ukemi; @38:01 yokomenuchi shohonage omote; @42:58 yokomenuchi shohonage ura; @46:44 shomenuchi iriminage; @50:25 morotetori nikkyo; @54:20 ukemi for morotetori nikkyo; @58:19 katate sumi otoshi;

(01:01:31) 71th on-line class from 9/22/2020 TuesBasic
Theme: 5th Kyu test requirements: @22:32 ushiro tekubitori kote gaeshi - omote; @29:35 ukemi for ushiro tekubitori kote gaeshi - omote;
@34:10 ushiro tekubitori kote gaeshi - ura; @39:20 ukemi for ushiro tekubitori kote gaeshi - ura;
@42:56 morotetori kokyu ho - omote; @45:01 ukemi for morotetori kokyu ho - omote;
@47:15 morotetori kokyu ho - ura; @49:36 ukemi for morotetori kokyu ho - ura;
@52:08 shomenuchi kaishi waza with an ikkyo start; @57:34 henka waza katatetori shihonage to iriminage;

(01:01:31) 72th on-line class from 9/23/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: 4th Kyu test requirements including suwari waza (both partners starting on their knees): @15:43 shikko (knee walking); @22:07 shomenuchi nikkyo - omote; @28:11 ukemi for shomenuchi nikkyo - omote;
@31:36 shomenuchi nikkyo - ura; @37:52 ukemi for shomenuchi nikkyo - ura; @42:04 suwari waza shomenuchi ikkyo - omote; @46:34 ukemi for suwari waza shomenuchi ikkyo - omote;
@49:15 taichi waza (standing) shomenuchi ikkyo - ura; @49:32 suwari waza shomenuchi ikkyo - ura; @51:52 ukemi for suwari waza shomenuchi ikkyo - ura; @54:37 tsuki iriminage - direct entry; @56:38 ukemi for tsuki iriminage - direct entry; @58:44 tsuki iriminage - with tenkan;

(01:01:31) 73rd on-line class from 9/25/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: 4th Kyu test requirements including suwari waza (both partners starting on their knees): @18:28 suwari waza katatori (shoulder grab) nikkyo - omote; @23:44 ukemi for suwari waza katatori nikkyo - omote; @26:40 suwari waza katatori nikkyo - ura; @31:39 ukemi for suwari waza katatori nikkyo - ura; @35:10 yokomenuchi (side head strike) shihonage - omote; @39:59 ukemi for yokomenuchi shihonage - omote; @43:46 yokomenuchi shihonage - ura; @46:21 ukemi for yokomenuchi shihonage - ura; @48:42 yokomenuchi shihonage - ura, an alternative; @52:08 ukemi for yokomenuchi shihonage - ura 2nd option; @55:50 suwari waza katatori sankyo - omote;

(01:01:31) 74th on-line class from 9/27/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: using Tanto to visualize proper positioning: @15:04 katatetori kokyunage - uchi; @18:38 ukemi for katatetori kokyunage - uchi; @19:15 katatetori kaitenage uchi - omote; @23:27 ukemi for katatetori kaitenage uchi - omote; @27:11 katatetori kokyunage soto - omote; @29:21 ukemi for katatetori kokyunage uchi - omote; @29:47 katatetori kaitenage soto - omote; @31:54 ukemi for katatetori kaitenage soto - omote; @34:37 katatetori koshinage using a rear foot tenchin opening; @40:18 ukemi for katatetori koshinage; @41:07 katatetori koshinage using an ikkyo opening; @44:46 ukemi for katatetori koshinage using an ikkyo opening; @45:32 katatetory maki otoshi uchi; @49:40 ukemi for maki otoshi; @52:54 katatetori koshinage using the maki otoshi opening; @58:13 ryotetori tenchinage;

(01:01:31) 75th on-line class from 9/29/2020 TuesBasic
Theme: 4th kyu tests: @16:17 ushiro tekubitori - 3 ways to respond; @17:46 ushiro tekubitori sankyo - omote; @24:44 ukemi for ushiro tekubitori sankyo - omote; @29:26 ushiro tekubitori sankyo - ura; @36:26 ukemi for ushiro tekubitori sankyo - ura; @42:10 ushiro ryo katatori (2 hands grabbing shoulders from behind) kote gaeshi - omote; @48:36 ukemi for ushiro ryo katatori kote gaeshi - omote; @52:52 ushiro ryo katatori kote gaeshi - ura; @57:46 ukemi for ushiro ryo katatori kote gaeshi - ura;

(01:01:31) 76th on-line class from 9/30/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: finish 4th kyu USAF test requirements:
@25:59 suwari waza katatori (shoulder grab) sankyo demonstrating footwork with standing; @32:07 ukemi for standing katatori sankyo; @35:14 suwari waza katatori sankyo - omote; @38:49 ukemi for suwari waza katatori sankyo - omote;
@41:25 standing katatori sankyo - ura; @46:32 ukemi for katatori sankyo - ura; @50:13 suwari waza katatori sankyo - ura; @54:01 ukemi for suwari waza katatori sankyo - ura;
57:03 yokomenuchi shiho sabaki to kotegaeshi;

Oct Classes - instructor at dojo, participants at home and at the dojo
(01:01:31) 77th on-line class from 10/01/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: Building on 6th,5th,4th techniques:
@19:34 yokomenuchi shihonage - omote; @23:00 ukemi for yokomenuchi shihonage - omote;
@25:34 yokomenuchi shihonage - ura; @27:50 ukemi for yokomenuchi shihonage - ura;
@30:23 yokomenuchi ude keminage (through shiho sabaki); @33:00 ukemi for yokomenuchi ude keminage;
@36:07 yokomenuchi kote gaeshi - omote; @41:01 ukemi for yokomenuchi kote gaeshi - omote;
@44:17 yokomenuchi kote gaeshi - ura; @50:01 ukemi for yokomenuchi kote gaeshi - ura;
@53:55 yokomenuchi iriminage;

(01:01:31) 78th on-line class from 10/04/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: Jo basics - basic bodywork, strikes, etc:
@13:43 Jo Basics; @14:07 Jo tai sabaki-kaiten; @15:48 Jo tai sabaki-tenkan; @19:09 Jo tai sabaki-irimi tenkan; @21:11 Jo tai sabaki-front foot tenchin; @25:13 Jo tai sabaki-rear foot tenchin; @27:43 Jo tai sabaki-hanmi change;
@31:58 Basic Strikes-shomenuchi (head strike); @34:10 Basic Strikes-yokomenuchi (side head strike); @37:08 Basic Strikes-tsuki (punch);
@40:10 bokken vs jo kumi tachi - Jo side;
@48:17 yokomenuchi ikkyo using jo as a visualization aid - omote and ura;

(01:01:31) 79th on-line class from 10/06/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: Techniques starting with Shiho sabaki:
@21:02 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to kokyunage or kokyuho; @25:29 ukemi for same;
@28:15 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to kokyunage - ura; @31:26 ukemi for same;
@34:25 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to kaitenage - soto (outside) omote; @38:31 ukemi for same;
@42:09 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to kaitenage - soto (outside) ura; @46:15 ukemi for same;
@49:31 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki another iriminage; @53:15 ukemi for same;
@57:00 yokomenuchi through front foot tenchin to ikkyo;

(01:00:51) 80th on-line class from 10/07/2020 Wed Basic
Theme: Techniques starting with Shiho sabaki:
@23:10 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to juji nage; @26:31 ukemi for same;
@30:20 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to juji nage - ura; @34:32 ukemi for same;
@39:12 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to aiki otoshi; @43:48 ukemi for same;
@47:50 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to hiji kimi to kokyunage; @51:39 ukemi for same;
@54:50 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to men nage (head throw); @58:50 ukemi for same;

(01:00:51) 81th on-line class from 10/09/2020 Fri Basic
Theme: Techniques starting with Shiho sabaki:
@22:21 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to uchi kaitenage - omote; @27:20 ukemi for same;
@32:03 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to uchi kaitenage - ura; @38:38 ukemi for same;
@42:59 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to tai otoshi (body drop); @48:04 ukemi for same;
@51:53 yokomenuchi through shiho sabaki to koshi ogoshi (big hip); @58:23 ukemi for same;

(01:00:51) 82nd on-line class from 10/11/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: Jo: Warmup: @06:08 tai sabaki with jo; @24:09 happo undo with jo; @24:05 hassō gaeshi with jo;
@27:22 ai hanmi katatetori iriminage; @29:18 equivalent with jo...irimi tenkan shomen through hasso gaeshi;
@31:47 shomenuchi iriminage open hand @33:56 practice yokomenuchi shihonage with jo;
@38:22 jo waza katatetori sumi otoshi (corner drop) (a kokyunage); @43:44 katatetori sumi otoshi open hand; @46:40 ukemi for katatetori sumi otoshi
@47:22 bokken vs jo kumi tachi - jo side;

(01:00:51) 83rd on-line class from 10/13/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: Techniques from Ikkyo Sabaki:
@15:53 shomenuchi ikkyo omote using jo to represent the partner’s arm; @20:00 ukemi for same;
@22:24 shomenuchi ikkyo ura using jo to represent the partner’s arm; @25:19 ukemi for same;
@28:37 shomenuchi ude kemi nage going through ikkyo sabaki; @32:17 ukemi for same;
@36:21 shomenuchi kokyunage going through ikkyo sabaki; @38:46 ukemi for same;
@41:28 shomenuchi shihonage omote going through ikkyo sabaki; @45:35 ukemi for same;
@48:05 shomenuchi shihonage ura going through ikkyo sabaki; @53:17 ukemi for same;
@55:24 shomenuchi kokyunage going through ikkyo sabaki and hiji kime;

(01:00:51) 84th on-line class from 10/14/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: Techniques from Ikkyo Sabaki:
@26:39 shomenuchi ikkyo omote using jo to represent the partner’s arm; @32:40 ukemi for same;
@36:57 shomenuchi ikkyo ura using jo to represent the partner’s arm; @42:03 ukemi for same;
@46:05 shomenuchi kaitenage omote going through shiho sabaki; @51:27 ukemi for same;
@56:22 shomenuchi kokyunage going through shiho sabaki;

(01:00:51) 85th on-line class from 10/16/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: Techniques from Ikkyo Sabaki:
@17:47 shomenuchi iriminage going through ikkyo sabaki (using jo to represent uke's arm); @22:07 ukemi for same;
@25:30 2nd way to do shomenuchi iriminage going through ikkyo sabaki; @30:32 ukemi for same;
@35:00 shomenuchi kotegaeshi going through ikkyo sabaki; @40:45 ukemi for same;
@35:00 shomenuchi kotegaeshi going through ikkyo sabaki; @49:00 ukemi for same;
@52:30 shomenuchi seoi otoshi (over the shoulder drop); @56:50 ukemi for same;

(01:00:51) 86th on-line class from 10/18/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: Jo:
@11:07 Jo-basic strikes; @16:35 Jo-basic blocks;
@19:46 Bokken vs Jo Kumi tachi - jo side; @22:06 Bokken vs Jo kumi tachi - both sides (physically distant);
@25:57 14-count Jo Kata with different movements on each side; @33:17 14-count jo kata - the counter (side 2);
@36:53 14-count both sides, steps 1-6; @38:20 14-count with instructor as counter (side 2), steps 1-6; @39:24 14-count with instructor as side 1, steps 1-6;
@41:14 14-count side 2 steps 1-14; @46:44 side 1 steps 1-14;
@48:08 14-count both sides physically separated; @50:50 14-count both sides with instructor as side 2; @53:17 14-count both sides with instructor as side 1; @59:26 one round each of both sides;

(01:00:51) 87th on-line class from 10/21/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: ikkyo sabaki and shiho sabaki;
@22:39 yokomenuchi ikkyo, omote; @27:34 ukemi for same;
@30:37 yokomenuchi ikkyo, ura; @34:47 ukemi for same;
@38:27 yokomenuchi koshinage; @43:12 ukemi for same;
@46:47 yokomenuchi seoi otoshi (over the shoulder drop); @51:17 ukemi for same;
@54:53 yokomenuchi kaitenage going through ikkyo sabaki; @57:53 ukemi for same;

(01:00:51) 88th on-line class from 10/23/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: shomenuchi to shiho sabaki;
@00:51 shomenuchi shiho nage omote (using jo to represent the arm); @04:08 ukemi for same;
@07:13 shomenuchi shiho nage ura (using jo to represent the arm); @10:32 ukemi for same;
@13:34 shomenuchi ude kemmi nage going through shiho sabaki; @16:32 ukemi for same;
@20:06 shomenuchi kokyu nage going through shiho sabaki; @23:55 ukemi for same;
@20:06 shomenuchi hiji kime going through shiho sabaki; @32:20 ukemi for same;

(01:00:51) 89th on-line class from 10/25/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: Bokken:
@23:00 Bokken suburi Waite sensei's 8 bokken subburi - first 3;
@34:41 Bokken vs Jo Kumi tachi - bokken side; @35:00 review do cut (side body cut) ; @36:50 Review guard position; @39:07 the actual kumi tachi;
@45:05 Ukenagaeshi Bokken drill; @57:57 Kesa giri (monk robe cut, shoulder to hip cut)

(59:41) 90th on-line class from 10/27/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: Ikkyo Nikkyo Sankyo:
@22:30 katatetori ikkyo - omote (featuring dummy); @28:29 ukemi for same;
@31:25 katatetori ikkyo - ura (feat dummy); @36:24 ukemi for same;
@39:16 katatetori nikkyo - omote (feat dummy); @46:08 ukemi for same;
@48:52 katatetori sankyo - ura (feat dummy); @56:36 ukemi for same;

(59:19) 91th on-line class from 10/28/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: Ikkyo Nikkyo Sankyo ura:
@22:31 katatetori nikkyo - ura (feat dummy); @29:35 ukemi for same;
@32:49 katatetori sankyo - ura (feat dummy); @40:09 ukemi for same;
@43:20 katatetori koshinage (feat dummy) going through ikkyo sabaki; @47:29 ukemi for same;
@50:46 katatetori koshinage (feat dummy) going through sankyo; @55:59 ukemi for same;

Nov Classes - instructor at dojo, participants at home and at the dojo
(01:00:41) 92nd on-line class from 11/1/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: Bokken:
@16:40 Bokken suburi Waite sensei's 8 bokken suburi - review first 3;
@20:10 Bokken suburi No 4,5. with waki no kamae turning back;
@28:06 Bokken suburi No 6. irimi tenkan; @32:11 Bokken suburi No 7. 90 degree turn with step back; @35:29 Bokken suburi No 8. hanmi switch; @38:22 all 8 suburi in sequence;
@43:02 Bokken vs Jo Kumi tachi - bokken side;
@52:36 Another bokken kumi tachi - Ichi No Tachi;

(59:27) 93nd on-line class from 11/3/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: basic grabbing techniques (feat dummy):
@20:00 Katatetori iriminage with kaiten; @24:18 ukemi for same;
@27:26 Katatetori iriminage with a tenkan; @30:46 ukemi for same;
@33:40 Katatetori kokyuho or kokyunage; @36:59 ukemi for same;
@39:37 Katatetori kokyuho or kokyunage with tenkan; @42:06 ukemi for same;
@44:36 tenchinage (heaven and earth throw); @48:54 ukemi for same;
@51:13 tenchinage (heaven and earth throw) with tenkan for ura; @48:54 ukemi for same;
@56:59 kokyu dosa; @48:54 ukemi for same;

(58:11) 94nd on-line class from 11/4/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: koshinage (feat dummy):
@21:16 koshinage basics; @21:46 ikkyo sabaki koshinage; @26:31 ukemi for same;
@29:27 Katatetori koshinage otoshi; @33:37 ukemi for same;
@36:27 Ryotetori koshinage; @43:30 ukemi for same;
@46:54 katatetori koshinage uki goshi (little hip); @52:50 ukemi for same;
@55:32 kokyu dosa;

(58:15) 95nd on-line class from 11/6/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: kokyunage big throws (feat dummy):
@20:40 katatetori kokyunage, seoi otoshi (over the shoulder throw) (through ikkyo sabaki); 25:16 ukemi for same;
@28:21 katatetori maki otoshi (wrapping drop); @33:56 ukemi for same;
@35:57 katatetori maki koshi (wrapping koshi); @42:40 ukemi for same;
@44:50 Kata hiki otoshi (shoulder pulling drop); @44:49 ukemi for same;
@52:02 katatetori Serube goshi;

(58:15) 96th on-line class from 11/8/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: bokken:
@09:29 happo undo with bokken; @10:46 8 suburi with bokken; @16:44 one iteration of each of the suburi;

@18:36 first kumi tachi-Ichi No Tachi - review each side; @23:15 combined kumi tachi;

@27:18 second kumi tachi-Ni No Tachi - first part;
@29:39 combined first few pieces; @31:49 2nd part;
@34:05 combined; @35:55 side 1 individual pieces first 3 steps-strike to knee, guard, tsuki, be deflected; @37:42 side 2 first 3 steps-protect knee,wrist cut,guard, push off the line;
@38:46 combined first 7 steps-strike to knee,guard,tsuki,deflected,shomen,deflected,step tsuki; @41:56 side 1-first 7 pieces; $42:58 side 2 first 7 pieces-protect knee,wrist cut,guard,deflect,guard shomen,deflect,guard tsuki;
@44:16 combined next part (add side 1 shomen, side 2 cut wrist; @45:45 combined for the whole kumi tachi @46:36 side 1 whole kumi tachi-strike to knee,guard,tsuki,deflected,shomen,deflected,step tsuki,deflected,shomen,wrist is cut; @48:05 side 2 whole kumi tachi-protect knee,wrist cut,guard,deflect,guard shomen,deflect,guard tsuki,deflect,avoid shomen to cut wrist
@49:50 whole ni no tachi, instructor is agressor;
@51:17 whole ni no tachi, instructor is the defendant;
@54:06 whole ni no tachi, one each side;

@55:40 bokken side of the bokken vs jo kumi tachi;

(58:46) 97th on-line class from 11/10/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: henka waza (feat dummy):
@17:02 henka waza-katatetori start shihonage, change to iriminage; @23:41 ukemi for same;
@27:35 henka waza-katatetori start kotegaeshi, change to shihonage; @33:51 ukemi for same;
@27:35 henka waza-ai hanmi katatetori start iriminage, change to kotegaeshi; @44:04 ukemi for same;
@47:29 henka waza-ai hanmi katatetori start ikkyo, change to ude garuma (figure 4 lock); @54:01 ukemi for same;
@56:46 henka waza-ai hanmi katatetori start ude kemi nage go to shihonage;

(58:43) 98th on-line class from 11/11/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: henka waza (feat dummy): @19:11 discuss henka waza
@19:34 henka waza-ai hanmi katatetori start ude kemi nage go to shihonage; @25:12 ukemi for same;
@28:14 henka waza-ai katatetori start shihonage ura go to ude keminage; @36:12 ukemi for same;
@39:45 henka waza-ai katatetori start shihonage ura go to kote gaeshi; @44:24 ukemi for same;
@46:46 henka waza-ai katatetori start shihonage ura go to koshinage; @51:52 ukemi for same;
@54:41 henka waza-katatetori start iriminage go to koshinage;

(1:00:23) 99th on-line class from 11/11/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: henka waza:
@22:43 henka waza-katatetori start iriminage go to koshinage; @29:46 ukemi for same;
@34:26 henka waza-katatetori start iriminage go to tski age; @41:47 ukemi for same;
@45:56 henka waza-katatetori start iriminage go to maki otoshi (wrapping drop); @51:56 ukemi for same;
@54:58 henka waza-katatetori start iriminage go to maki goshi (wrapping hip); @51:56 ukemi for same;

11/16/2020 Saturday
Theme: bokken:
@00:00 1st exercise-shin tai @00:31 2nd exer-shiho giri (4 directions) @02:28 3rd exer-zenpo (cutting 3 wrists of 2 different people);
1st kumi tachi from Claude and Kanai Sensei: @06:25 receving side; 08:25 initiating side; @10:55 combined;
1st kumi tachi @15:41 variant 1 - short cut
1st kumi tachi @17:41 variant 2 - counter - agressor wins
2nd kumi tachi @20:42 combined;
2nd kumi tachi @22:51 variant 1 - short cut
2nd kumi tachi @23:14 variant 2 - counter - agressor wins

(59:13) 100th on-line class from 11/15/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: bokken:
@08:35 8 tai sabaki with bokken; @15:29 happo undo with bokken;
@17:08 first kumi tachi-Ichi No Tachi; @18:42 review each side; @21:16 paired practice;
@24:06 second kumi tachi-Ni No Tachi; @27:33 review each side; @30:52 paired practice;
@36:25 third kumi tachi-San No Tachi; @38:00 review each side; @40:58 paired practice;
@43:43 forth kumi tachi-Yon No Tachi; @45:57 review each side; @48:27 paired practice;
@53:47 All 4 kumi tachi versions;

(57:34) 101st on-line class from 11/17/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: kaitenage:
@15:56 katatetori kaitenage uchi (inside) omote; @20:42 ukemi for same;
@23:42 hanmi handachi katatetori kaitenage uchi omote; @27:26 ukemi for same;
@30:31 katatetori kaitenage uchi ura; @35:55 ukemi for same;
@39:03 hanmi handachi katatetori kaitenage uchi ura; @42:04 ukemi for same;
@45:04 katatetori kaitenage soto (outside) omote; @48:44 ukemi for same;
@50:21 hanmi handachi katatetori kaitenage soto omote; @53:16 ukemi for same;
@55:27 kokyu dosa;

(59:17) 102nd on-line class from 11/18/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: Standing and Seated (hanmi handachi) techniques:
@21:38 katatetori shihonage - omote; @25:51 ukemi for same;
@28:11 hanmi handachi katatetori shihonage - omote; @31:11 ukemi for same;
@34:09 katatetori shihonage - ura; @36:38 ukemi for same;
@38:28 katatetori shihonage - ura - alternative-wrist flex/uke runs behind nage; @43:16 ukemi for same;
@45:42 hanmi handachi katatetori shihonage - ura with wrist flex; @48:01 ukemi for same;
@50:03 shomenuchi iriminage;
@53:56 hanmi handachi shomenuchi iriminage; @56:44 ukemi for same;

(58:52) 103nd on-line class from 11/20/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: Ushiro techniques-standing and sitting:
@22:38 ushiro tekubitori (two hands grabbing wrists from behind) iriminage @28:46 ukemi for same;
@33:19 hanmi handachi ushiro ryokata tori (shoulders grabbed from behind) iriminage @38:53 ukemi for same;
@42:56 ushiro tekubitori (two hands grabbing wrists from behind) iriminage @53:07 ukemi for same;
@55:29 ushiro tekubitori (two hands grabbing wrists from behind) iriminage @28:46 ukemi for same;

(58:15) 104nd on-line class from 11/21/2020 Sat Weapons
Theme: bokken - bokken vs boken:
@01:02 strikes, motivation; @02:43 shomen/stepping
@09:50 1st exercise-shin tai @10:31 2nd exer-shiho giri (4 directions) @12:14 3rd exer-zenpo (cutting 3 wrists of 2 different people); @16:06 4th exer-irimi; @18:35 review first 4 exercises;
@19:40 Claude/Kanai 1st kumi tachi: @19:55 nage (defender) side @23:32 uke side (aggressor)
--@29:10 play uke (agressor) side against nage;
--@30:36 play nage (responder) side against uke;
@31:20 1st kumi tachi, variant;
@38:21 1st kumi tachi, counter;
--@47:57 play nage (responder) side against uke;
--@50:39 play uke (agressor) side against nage;
@52:41 warmup

(58:15) 105th on-line class from 11/22/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: bokken vs bokken (with split screen):
@01:16 basic strikes @04:36 happo undo; @07:55 8 bokken suburi;
@19:56 first kumi tachi-Ichi No Tachi;
--@23:56 'play' side 1 (first tsuki, wins)
--@26:58 'play' side 2 (makes opening)
@28:39 second kumi tachi-Ni No Tachi;
--@37:20 'play' side 2 (responder, wins)
--@39:32 'play' side 2 (aggressor)
@40:52 third kumi tachi-San No Tachi;
@46:44 forth kumi tachi-Yon No Tachi;
@54:29 warmup

(58:15) 106th on-line class from 11/24/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: ushiro tekubitori (feat dummy)
@01:23 ushiro tekubitori ikkyo-omote; @10:08 ukemi for same;
@13:28 ushiro tekubitori ikkyo-ura; @18:31 ukemi for same;
@22:19 ushiro tekubitori shihonage-omote; @27:31 ukemi for same;
@30:37 ushiro tekubitori shihonage-ura; @34:49 ukemi for same;
@37:39 ushiro tekubitori kaitenage-soto omote;
@41:04 warmup
Note warmup was moved out-of-order to the back.

(58:15) 107th on-line class from 11/25/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: aikai cardio
@00:57 warmup; @31:11 using bokken for crunches; @32:53 basic strikes; @36:47 rocking;
@38:59 irimi tenkan kaiten; @41:52 tenchin footwork; @44:21 100 cuts;
@46:44 rowing exercise; @47:46 sayu undo exercise; @48:41 menuchi ikkyo undo; @49:29 rocking;
@50:00 stepping shomen, yokomen, tsuki; @51:10 irimi tenkan kaiten; @52:16 cool down;

(58:15) 108th on-line class from 11/28/2020 Sat Weapons
Theme: bokken
@56:28 warmup (moved to back of the vid);
@00:53 basic strikes;
@09:43 8 bokken siburi @09:43 1-shin tai; @10:40 2-shiho (4 directions) @13:07 3-zenpo (cutting 3 wrists of 2 different people); @16:32 4-irimi; @19:38 5-shihonage omote;

@23:57 1st kumi tachi, BASE: @24:04 insert paired practice from a prior class; @24:48 nage (defender) side facing away
--@25:57 'play' nage side against uke;
@26:24 uke side (aggressor) facing camera; @27:34 nage side facing camera; @28:43 uke side facing away
--@29:02 'play' uke side against nage;

@30:00 1st kumi tachi, VARIANT; @30:12 insert paired practice from a prior class; @30:45 side 1, nage facing away;
--@32:18 'play' nage side;
@33:03 uke side facing camera; @34:11 nage side facing camera; @34:56 uke side facing away;

@35:36 1st kumi tachi, COUNTER; @35:52 insert paired practice from a prior class;
@36:35 uke facing camera; @39:27 nage facing away; @40:49 uke facing away;
--@43:02 'play; uke (aggressor);

@44:15 2nd kumi tachi, BASE: @44:22 insert paired practice from a prior class; @44:57 nage facing away;
--@14:19 'play' nage side;
@48:14 uke facing camera; @48:47 nage facing camera; @49:54 uke facing away;

@50:34 2nd kumi tachi, VARIANT; @50:45 nage facing away; @52:15 uke facing camera; @52:53 nage facing camera; @54:03 uke facing away;
@54:36 2nd kumi tachi, COUNTER; @54:42 uke facing camera; @55:50 uke facing away;
@56:28 warmup (was moved to end of this video);

(58:15) 109th on-line class from 11/29/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: bokken
@00:00 intro
@01:01 happo undo with bokken;
@04:32 8 suburi;
@13:04 front foot tenchin exercise;
@16:19 first kumi tachi-Ichi No Tachi;
--inserted paired practice from prior class; @16:40 side 1 (nage, wins) facing away; @17:54 side 2 (makes opening) facing toward camera; @18:52 side 1 (first shomen, wins) facing camera; @19:59 side 2 (makes opening) facing away;

@20:50 2nd kumi tachi-Ni No Tachi;
--inserted paired practice from prior class;
--@22:57 side 1 (nage, wins) facing away; @25:00 side 2 (uke, makes opening) facing toward camera-strike, tsuki, strike,tsuki, strike;
--@26:46 side 1 (nage, wins) facing camera; @28:09 side 2 (makes opening) facing away;

@29:28 3rd kumi tachi-San No Tachi;
--inserted paired practice from prior class;
--@30:19 side 1 (nage, wins) facing away; @31:00 side 2 (uke, makes opening) facing toward camera- shomen, shomen, you're finished;
--@31:47 side 1 (nage, wins) facing camera; @32:27 side 2 (makes opening) facing away;

@33:05 4th kumi tachi-Yon No Tachi;
--inserted paired practice from prior class;
--@33:31 side 1 (nage, wins) facing away; @34:41 side 2 (uke, makes opening) facing toward camera- tsuki, tsuki, shomen;
--@35:48 side 1 (nage, wins) facing camera; @37:03 side 2 (makes opening) facing away;

@38:02 5th kumi tachi-Go No Tachi;
---@38:23 side 1 (nage, wins) shomen, shomen, raise, block, raise, shomen to win;
@40:33 side 2 (uke, makes opening) facing camera- shomen, engage their shomen, shomen strike, rush/slide the partner, step left foot to attack knee, step right shomen, lose;
@43:46 go through each side again;
--@50:23 simulated paired practice;
@52:20 run through each side again;
@56:31 warmup
Note warmup was moved out-of-order to the back.

Dec Classes - instructor at dojo, participants at home
(58:15) 110th on-line class from 12/01/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: body movement
@00:00 intro/warmup;
@01:16 ukemi practice;
@11:22 torifuna (rowing exercise); @13:37 menuchi ikkyo undo (swing up exercise); @16:10 sayu undo exercise;
@17:26 body movement exercises: tenkan; @18:37 irimi tenkan; @19:27 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms; @20:46 front foot tenchin; @22:18 rear foot tenchin; 22:59 irimi tenkan kaiten;
@28:00 basic strikes: shomenuchi; @29:03 yokomenuchi; @30:01 tsuki;
@31:39 conditioning: standing up and going down; @34:05 standing to back fall; @36:34 pseudo-front roll to standing; @40:31 front roll to standing; @42:56 ushiro yoko kaiten to standing; @46:46 crunches; @48:37 plank;
@50:03 warmup;
Note warmup was moved out-of-order to the back.

(58:15) 111th on-line class from 12/02/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: exercises you can do at home
@00:00 intro/warmup;
@10:07 ukemi-related exercises;
@21:44 conditioning: flexibile toes; @25:18 standing to back roll; @27:20 standing to front roll;
@29:33 standing to front roll with tenkan; @32:02 ushiro yoko kaiten to standing; @33:51 mai yoko kaiten to standing;
@35:56 torifuna (rowing exercise);
@37:48 menuchi ikkyo undo (swing up exercise);
@40:42 happo undo (8 direction exercise);
@42:05 sayu undo exercise;
@43:18 body movement exercises: tenkan; @44:59 irimi tenkan; @45:51 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms;
@46:52 front foot tenchin; @48:42 rear foot tenchin; @50:31 hanmi shift;
@52:34 irimi tenkan kaiten; @54:42 front foot tenchin, irimi tenkan kaiten;
@57:22 core exercises: crunches;

(58:15) 112th on-line class from 12/04/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: exercises you can do from home
@00:00 intro/warmup;
@12:27 ukemi practice;
@20:49 conditioning: flexibile toes; @22:14 seating to standing; @24:16 front roll to standing; @26:25 back roll to standing; @28:25 front roll with tenkan to standing; @31:14 ushiro yoko kaiten to standing @33:26 mai yoko kaiten to standing;
@36:25 torifuna (rowing exercise);
@38:22 sayu undo exercise;
@41:22 body movement exercises: tenkan; @42:46 irimi tenkan; @43:49 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms;
@44:44 front foot tenchin; @46:19 rear foot tenchin; @48:21 hanmi shift;
@49:59 irimi tenkan kaiten; @51:11 front foot tenchin irimi tenkan kaiten;
@54:29 basic strikes: shomenuchi; @55:30 yokomenuchi; @56:52 tsuki;
@58:18 core exercises

(58:15) 113th on-line class from 12/05/2020 Sat Weapons
Theme: bokken
@00:00 intro; (warmup moved to back of video)
@00:39 basic strikes; @00:39 shomen, stepping; @01:30 kesa giri, stepping; @02:48 tsuki; @04:23 furi tsuki;
@05:47 8 bokken siburi: 1-shin tai; @06:34 2-shiho (4 directions) @07:43 4-irimi; @09:15 5-shihonage omote (with furi tsuki); @13:27 6-shihonage ura (with kiriage and kesa giri);
@17:24 1st kumi tachi, BASE: @18:01 insert paired practice from a prior class;
@18:20 practice each side

@21:58 1st kumi tachi, VARIANT; @22:04 insert paired practice from a prior class;
@22:30 practice each side

@25:07 1st kumi tachi, COUNTER; @25:16 insert paired practice from a prior class;
@25:56 practice each side
@30:20 2nd kumi tachi, BASE: @30:27 insert paired practice from a prior class;
@30:49 practice each side;

@33:26 2nd kumi tachi, VARIANT (slice through their throat);
@33:51 practice each side;

@36:09 2nd kumi tachi, COUNTER;
@36:23 practice each side;
@39:06 3rd kumi tachi BASE
@42:46 practice each side;

@49:27 3rd kumi tachi VARIANT
@51:04 practice each side;
@55:03 warmup (was moved to end of this video);

(58:15) 114th on-line class from 12/06/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: jo exercises you can do from home
@00:00 intro/warmup;
@01:16 jo suburi: choko tsuki; @04:43 gaeshi tsuki; @07:29 shomen; @10:24 kaeshi grip shomen; @11:56 multiple shomens without changing hands (Renzoku-uchi Komi); @13:29 multiple shomens using kaeshi grip; @14:42 yokomenuchi;
@17:12 block, then shomen; @18:42 block, then yokomen;
@20:20 hasso gaeshi;
@22:53 happo giri;
@25:04 tai sabaki: tenkan; @26:42 irimi tenkan; @28:01 front foot tenchin;
@30:26 13 count jo kata (through the middle of the kata)

(58:15) 115th on-line class from 12/08/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: standing exercises you can do from home without a surface to roll on
@00:00 intro @00:58 warmup; @12:07 menuchi ikkyo undo; @14:13 tori funa (rowing exercise); @16:24 sayu undo exercise; @17:35 raise and drop exercise;
@19:04 body movement exercises: kaiten; @19:59 tenkan; @21:29 irimi tenkan; @22:38 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms; @23:49 front foot tenchin; @26:00 rear foot tenchin; @28:13 hanmi switch;
@31:36 katatetori kokyunage-omote with hanmi switch; @36:08 ukemi for same;
@40:17 katatetori kokyunage-ura with hanmi switch; @44:00 ukemi for same;
@48:03 katatetori shihonage-omote with hanmi switch; @52:05 ukemi for same;
@55:56 katatetori shihonage-ura with hanmi switch;

(58:15) 116th on-line class from 12/09/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: standing exercises you can do from home without a surface to roll on, and 'what if' or 'plan B' scenarios
@00:00 intro @00:46 warmup; @09:57 tori funa (rowing exercise); @12:01 sayu undo exercise; @13:04 menuchi ikkyo undo; @14:50 happo undo;
@17:35 body movement exercises: tenkan; @18:50 irimi tenkan; @22:38 @19:53 front foot tenchin; @21:57 rear foot tenchin; @23:49 hanmi switch;
@26:36 katatetori kokyunage-omote with hanmi switch; @28:34 ukemi for same;
@31:23 katatetori kokyunage-omote with hanmi switch but something went wrong, and you do hiji kime before the throw; @37:51 ukemi for same;
@41:15 katatetori kubinage (neck throw); @46:18 ukemi for same;
@50:02 katatetori shihonage; @51:18 ukemi for same;
@54:28 katatetori shihonage but something went wrong, turn it into ude keminage; @56:51 ukemi for same;

(58:15) 117th on-line class from 12/11/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: standing exercises you can do from home without a surface to roll on, henka waza
@00:00 intro @00:48 warmup; @12:00 tori funa (rowing exercise); @13:49 menuchi ikkyo undo; @15:58 sayu undo exercise; @17:06 raise and drop exercise; @19:08 happo undo;
@20:58 tai sabaki (body movement) exercises: tenkan; @22:12 irimi tenkan; @23:11 front foot tenchin; @25:12 rear foot tenchin; @26:58 hanmi switch;
@29:10 katatetori kokyunage-omote with hanmi switch; @32:25 ukemi for same;
@35:35 katatetori start kokyunage, change to kaitenage; @41:05 ukemi for same;
@44:16 katatetori start kokyunage, change to koshinage (hip throw); @51:05 ukemi for same;
@54:01 katatetori start shihonage, change to koshinage (hip throw);

(58:15) 118th on-line class from 12/12/2020 Sat Weapons
Theme: bokken
@00:00 intro; (warmup moved to back of video)
@00:47 basic strikes; @01:30 shomen, stepping; @02:00 kesa giri, stepping; @04:28 tsuki; @06:09 furi tsuki; @07:29 do cut
@09:10 8 bokken siburi: 1-shin tai; @10:01 2-shiho (4 directions) @11:25 3-zenpo (cutting 3 wrists of 2 different people) @12:41 4-irimi; @14:12 5-shiho omote (with furi tsuki); @16:07 6-shiho ura (with kiriage and kesa giri);
@18:49 1st kumi tachi, BASE: @18:56 insert paired practice from a prior class;
@19:13 practice each side

@22:06 1st kumi tachi, VARIANT; @22:12 insert paired practice from a prior class;
@22:37 practice each side

@29:21 1st kumi tachi, COUNTER; @29:24 insert paired practice from a prior class;
@29:46 practice each side
@30:20 2nd kumi tachi, BASE: @30:27 insert paired practice from a prior class;
@30:49 practice each side;

@31:36 2nd kumi tachi, VARIANT (slice through their throat); practice each side;
@33:33 2nd kumi tachi, COUNTER; practice each side;
@36:33 3rd kumi tachi BASE; practice each side;
@41:13 3rd kumi tachi VARIANT; practice each side;
@45:34 3rd kumi tachi COUNTER; practice each side;
@50:31 4th kumi tachi BASE
@51:38 warmup (was moved to end of this video);

(58:15) 119th on-line class from 12/13/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: jo exercises you can do from home
@00:00 intro/warmup; @00:29 an alternative jo if yu don't have space
@01:16 jo suburi: choko tsuki; @02:59 shomen @04:03 kaeshi grip shomen;
@05:06 renzoku shomen (continuous); @06:16 renzoku shomen with kaeshi grip;
@07:11 gaeshi tsuki; @08:56 basic block;
@10:09 hasso gaeshi;
@11:57 irimi tenkan; @13:00 irimi tenkan with hasso gaeshi;
@14:34 13 count jo kata;
@34:33 bokken vs Jo kumi tachi - the jo side;
@53:21 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video;

(58:15) (58:15) 120th on-line class from 12/15/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: iriminage and standing exercises you can do from home without a surface to roll on
@00:00 intro @00:41 warmup; @09:46 tori funa (rowing exercise); @12:17 menuchi ikkyo undo;
@15:09 tai sabaki (body movement): tenkan exercise; @17:04 irimi tenkan; @19:54 front foot tenchin; @22:25 rear foot tenchin;
@25:36 shomenuchi iriminage with a kaiten movement; @30:26 ukemi for same;
@34:42 shomenuchi iriminage with a tenkan movement; @39:35 ukemi for same;
@44:20 shomenuchi iriminage with irimi tenkan kaiten; @49:35 ukemi for same;
@53:46 shomenuchi iriminage with rear foot tenchin, then irimi tenkan kaiten; @49:35 ukemi for same;

(58:15) 121th on-line class from 12/16/2020 Wed Regular
Theme: iriminage and standing exercises you can do from home without a surface to roll on
@00:00 intro @00:53 warmup; @09:46 tori funa (rowing exercise); @11:43 menuchi ikkyo undo;
@13:41 tai sabaki (body movement): tenkan exercise; @14:56 irimi tenkan; @15:50 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms; @16:51 front foot tenchin; @19:01 rear foot tenchin;
@21:06 happo undo (8 direction exercise);
@25:35 iriminage basics;
@27:21 shomenuchi iriminage-front foot tenchin, irimi kaiten, kaiten; @32:22 ukemi for same;
@36:58 shomenuchi iriminage-front foot tenchin, irimi tenkan; @41:24 ukemi for same;
@46:16 shomenuchi iriminage-enter in front and tenkan 'scarf', irimi tenkan; @53:21 ukemi for same;

(58:15) 122th on-line class from 12/18/2020 Fri Regular
Theme: iriminage, kotegaeshi and standing exercises you can do from home without a surface to roll on
@00:00 intro @01:10 warmup; @12:06 tori funa (rowing exercise); @14:08 sayu undo; @15:22 raise and drop exercise; @17:21 menuchi ikkyo undo;
@18:28 tai sabaki (body movement): tenkan exercise; @19:39 irimi tenkan; @20:29 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms; @21:45 front foot tenchin; @23:17 rear foot tenchin;
@25:01 recap irimi;
@25:47 shomenuchi iriminage-rear ft tenchin, slide, kaiten and step to throw; @30:56 ukemi for same;
@34:25 shomenuchi iriminage-direct entry; @39:43 ukemi for same;
@42:56 kote gaeshi basics;
@43:41 shomenuchi kote gaeshi (irimi kaiten, kaiten); @51:16 ukemi for same;
@54:41 shomenuchi kote gaeshi (irimi kaiten, tenkan);

(58:15) 123th on-line class from 12/19/2020 Sat Weapons
Theme: bokken
@00:00 intro; (warmup moved to back of video)
@01:14 8 bokken siburi: 1-shin tai; @02:18 2-shiho (4 directions) @04:57 3-zenpo (cutting 3 wrists of 2 different people) @07:59 4-irimi; @10:45 5-shiho omote (with furi tsuki); @13:48 6-shiho ura (with kiriage and kesa giri); @16:18 kaiten yo; @22:48 kaiten in;
@27:56 1st kumi tachi, BASE: insert paired practice from a prior class; @27:49 practice each side
@29:27 1st kumi tachi, VARIANT; insert paired practice from a prior class; @29:54 practice each side
@31:21 1st kumi tachi, COUNTER; insert paired practice from a prior class; @31:46 practice each side
@33:56 2nd kumi tachi, BASE: insert paired practice from a prior class; @34:30 practice each side;
@35:27 2nd kumi tachi, VARIANT (slice through their throat); @35:39 practice each side;
@36:31 2nd kumi tachi, COUNTER; practice each side;
@38:24 3rd kumi tachi BASE; practice each side;
@40:32 3rd kumi tachi VARIANT; practice each side;
@42:38 3rd kumi tachi COUNTER; practice each side;
@45:07 3rd kumi tachi BASE; practice each side;
@52:04 3rd kumi tachi VARIANT; practice each side;
@56:21 warmup (was moved to end of this video);

(58:15) 124th on-line class from 12/20/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: jo exercises you can do from home
@00:00 intro/warmup;
@01:16 jo suburi: choko tsuki; @02:59 shomen @04:03 kaeshi grip shomen;
@01:29 tai sabaki (body movement): @01:42 kaiten; @02:32 tenkan exercise; @05:13 irimi tenkan; @07:10 front foot tenchin; @10:42 rear foot tenchin;
@13:52 jo suburi: choko tsuki; @15:25 kaeshi tsuki; @17:57 shomen @20:17 kaeshi grip shomen;
@21:59 renzoku shomen (continuous); @24:35 yokomenuchi;
@27:37 13 count jo kata;
@40:33 9 count jo kata;
@50:52 bokken vs Jo kumi tachi - the jo side;
@55:42 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video;

(58:15) 125th on-line class from 12/22/2020 Tues Basic
Theme: kote gaeshi and standing exercises you can do from home without a surface to roll on
@00:00 intro @01:07 warmup; @12:02 tori funa (rowing exercise); @14:19 menuchi ikkyo undo;
@16:41 tai sabaki (body movement): tenkan exercise; @18:00 irimi tenkan; @18:59 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms; @20:02 front foot tenchin; @21:53 rear foot tenchin;
@23:52 kote gaeshi recap;
@24:20 shomenuchi kote gaeshi irimi/tenkan/kaiten; @30:26 ukemi for same;
@37:21 shomenuchi kote gaeshi irimi/tenkan/kaiten/tenkan; @44:58 ukemi for same;
@50:50 shomenuchi kote gaeshi rear foot tenchin/slide/kaiten to throw; @57:35 ukemi for same;

Jan 2021 Classes - instructor at dojo, participants at home and at the dojo
(01:00:41) 126nd on-line class from 1/2/2021 Sat Weapons
Theme: jo exercises you can do from home
@00:00 intro/warmup; (warmups were moved to the end of this video)
@01:00 tai sabaki @02:06 kaiten; @04:09 tenkan; @06:43 irimi tenkan; @08:47 front foot tenchin; @11:52 rear foot tenchin;
@14:20 jo siburi: basic block; @17:06 block to shomen; @20:25 block to tsuki; @24:32 block to yokomen; @27:34 hasso gaeshi;
@34:01 14 count jo kata; @34:58 step 1; @34:04 steps 1-2; @40:14 steps 1-3; @43:46 steps 1-4; @46:21 steps 1-5 @49:35 steps 1-6
@52:04 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video;

(01:00:41) 127nd on-line class from 1/3/2021 Sun Weapons
Theme: bokken
@00:00 intro; (warmups were moved to the end of this video)
@00:47 bokken position names;
@03:17 bokken strikes: shomen; @03:54 one-handed yokomen exercise; @05:33 yokomen or kesa giri; @07:36 tsuki; @09:14 shomen;
@12:09 first 2 bokken siburi: Shomen/step forward tsuki/kaiten; @16:13 Step back shomen/step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@20:23 1st kumi tachi - ichi no tachi; @20:42 insert vid with both sides; @21:00 go through each side of the kumi tachi;
@31:32 jo vs bokken kata; @31:45 insert vid with both sides; @32:03 practice bokken side; @42:41 practice jo side;
@43:43 2nd kumi tachi - ni no tachi; @43:59 insert vid with both sides; @44:28 practice both sides;
@52:32 warmup (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video);

(58:15) 128th on-line class from 01/05/2021 Tues Basic
Theme: body work and ukemi exercises
@00:00 intro and warmup;
@10:54 wrist exercises with explanations;
@15:42 ukemi exercises and practice;
@27:18 menuchi ikkyo undo;
@29:14 tai sabaki (body movement): tenkan exercise; @30:44 irimi tenkan; @31:59 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms;
@33:14 irimi tenkan kaiten;
@36:30 happo undo;
@41:44 shomenuchi ikkyo omote; @47:09 ukemi for same; @51:30 shomenuchi ikkyo ura; @55:29 ukemi for same;

(58:15) 129th on-line class from 01/06/2021 Wed Regular
Theme: body work, ukemi exercises and ikkyo
@00:00 intro and warmup;
@15:39 ukemi exercises and practice;
@25:03 tori funa (rowing exercise);
@27:31 menuchi ikkyo undo;
@29:03 tai sabaki (body movement): tenkan exercise; @30:28 irimi tenkan; @31:45 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms; @33:20 irimi tenkan kaiten;
@36:03 shomenuchi ikkyo omote; @39:20 ukemi for same; @42:55 shomenuchi ikkyo ura; @47:51 ukemi for same;
@50:44 shomenuchi ude garuma (figure 4 lock); @27:26 ukemi for same;

(58:15) 130th on-line class from 01/08/2021 Fri Regular
Theme: body work, ukemi exercises and ikkyo, including koshi
@00:00 intro; (warmup was moved to the back);
@00:45 ukemi exercises and practice;
@08:11 menuchi ikkyo undo;
@9:36 tai sabaki (body movement): tenkan exercise; @10:48 irimi tenkan; @12:10 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms; @12:57 front foot tenchin; @14:56 rear foot tenchin;
@16:52 shomenuchi ikkyo omote; @21:18 ukemi for same; @23:54 shomenuchi ikkyo ura; @26:34 ukemi for same;
@30:00 shomenuchi ikkyo to hip throw koshinage; @36:44 ukemi for same;
@41:03 shomenuchi ikkyo drop under to koshinage;
@46:09 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video);

(01:00:41) 131 on-line class from 1/11/2021 Sat Weapons
Theme: jo exercises you can do from home
@00:00 intro/warmup; (warmups were moved to the end of this video)
@01:00 jo suburi: choko tsuki; @04:53 basic shoman @08:21 yokomen @10:20 kaeshi tsuki @12:52 kaeshi shomen; @regular yokomen followed by gyakute yokomen; @18:49 hasso gaeshi;
@23:42 14 count jo kata; step 1-5; @24:43 step 1-6; @29:45 step 1-8; @37:16 steps 1-9; @40:23 steps 1-14
@51:15 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video);

(01:00:41) 132nd on-line class from 1/10/2021 Sun Weapons
Theme: bokken
@00:00 intro; (warmups were moved to the end of this video)
@00:32 bokken strikes;
@01:18 bokken position names; @01:26 jodan @01:56 chudan @02:13 gedan @03:03 waki no kamae
@05:08 moving and striking - shomen; @05:51 tsuki moving forward and then backward; @08:34 yokomen or kesa giri;
@12:09 bokken siburi: 1. Step fwd shomen/step forward tsuki/kaiten;
@13:38 2. Step back shomen/step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@15:00 3. Step 90 deg shomen/step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@19:57 4. waki no kamae (turn to look backward keeping bokken behind you)/step forward bringing bokken around/ step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@28:01 1st kumi tachi - ichi no tachi; @28:07 insert vid with both sides; @28:28 go through each side of the kumi tachi;
@31:14 2nd kumi tachi - ni no tachi; @31:20 insert vid with both sides; @31:50 go through each side of the kumi tachi;
@41:46 3rd kumi tachi - san no tachi; @41:52 insert vid with both sides; @42:21 go through each side of the kumi tachi;
@52:00 tai sabaki: @52:11 front foot tenchin; @53:59 tenkan
@55:40 warmup (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video;

(58:15) 133th on-line class from 01/12/2021 Tues Basic
Theme: body work, ukemi exercises and katatetori iriminage
@00:00 intro; (warmup was moved to the back);
@00:58 Katatetori iriminage using kaiten movement; @06:57 ukemi for same;
@11:08 Katatetori iriminage using tenkan movement; @15:39 ukemi for same;
@20:02 Katatetori iriminage using front foot tenchin movement; @26:12 ukemi for same;
@31:49 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video);
@43:34 tori funa (rowing exercise);
@45:16 menuchi ikkyo undo;
@47:27 tai sabaki (body movement): tenkan exercise; @48:55 irimi tenkan; @49:44 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms; @50:09 front foot tenchin; @51:49 rear foot tenchin;
@53:29 ukemi exercises and practice;

(58:15) 134th on-line class from 01/13/2021 Wed Regular
Theme: body work, ukemi exercises and katatetori iriminage
@00:00 intro; (warmup was moved to the back);
@00:58 Katatetori iriminage using kaiten movement; @04:39 ukemi for same;
@07:45 Katatetori iriminage using tenkan movement; @10:39 ukemi for same;
@13:45 Katatetori iriminage using front foot tenchin irimi tenkan movement; @17:00 ukemi for same;
@19:51 henkawaza katatetori iriminage to sankyo;
@32:03 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video);
@44:31 ukemi exercises and practice;
@49:31 menuchi ikkyo undo;
@43:34 tori funa (rowing exercise);
@51:53 tai sabaki (body movement): tenkan exercise; @48:55 irimi tenkan; @49:44 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms; @50:09 front foot tenchin; @51:49 rear foot tenchin;
@53:29 ukemi exercises and practice;

(58:15) 135th on-line class from 01/15/2021 Fri Regular
Theme: body work, ukemi exercises and katatetori iriminage
@00:00 intro; (warmup was moved to the back);
@00:38 Katatetori iriminage using kaiten movement; @03:21 ukemi for same;
@06:30 henkawaza katatetori iriminage to sankyo; @14:38 ukemi for same;
@19:28 henkawaza katatetori iriminage to koshinage; @28:52 ukemi for same;

@34:39 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video);
@46:411 ukemi exercises and practice;
@51:53 tai sabaki (body movement): kaiten exercise; @52:31 tenkan exercise; @53:37 irimi tenkan; @54:53 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms; @55:52 front foot tenchin; @57:07 rear foot tenchin;

(01:00:41) 136 on-line class from 1/16/2021 Sat Weapons
Theme: jo exercises you can do from home
@00:00 intro; (warmups were moved to the end of this video)
@00:55 jo suburi: choko tsuki; @02:17 basic block
@03:20 shomen/block/rotate switch hands/shomen/block; @05:00 renzoku shomen (continuous);
@06:31 yokomen /block /yokomen /block; @07:59 yokomen /block /gyakute yokomen;
@09:16 sweeping block
@12:58 14 count jo kata; review Side1-step 1-14; @15:37 Side1-steps 1-14 uni-directionally for the kumi jo;
Side 2:
@21:55 Review Side1 14 count jo kata: step 1-2;
@22:59 Side2 step 1-2; @26:49 Side2 Step 1-4; @32:35 Side2 Step 1-6
@52:59 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video);

(01:00:41) 137nd on-line class from 1/17/2021 Sun Weapons
Theme: bokken
@00:00 intro; (warmups were moved to the end of this video)
@00:46 bokken siburi: shomen strike; @02:03 stepping shomen; @06:09 stepping yokomen or kesa giri; @08:24 stepping tsuki;
@10:22 bokken tai sabaki (body movement): kaiten; @11:06 tenkan exercise; @12:11 irimi tenkan; @49:44 irimi tenkan with ikkyo arms; @14:03 front foot tenchin;
@15:35 bokken siburi: @15:49. Step fwd shomen/step forward tsuki/kaiten;
@16:25 2. Step back shomen/step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@17:04 3. Step 90 deg shomen/step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@18:29 4. waki no kamae (turn to look backward keeping bokken behind you)/step forward bringing bokken around/ step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@20:01 5. waki no kamae (turn to look backward keeping bokken behind you)/step backward bringing bokken around/ step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@23:56 6. irimi tenkan/step fwd tsuki/kaiten;

@27:44 1st kumi tachi - ichi no tachi; @27:51 insert vid with both sides; @28:11 go through each side of the kumi tachi;
@31:22 2nd kumi tachi - ni no tachi; @31:27 insert vid with both sides; @31:56 go through each side of the kumi tachi (uke role-strike/tsuki/strike/tsuki/strike/finish);
@37:13 3rd kumi tachi - san no tachi; @37:18 insert vid with both sides; @37:47 go through each side of the kumi tachi;
@40:17 4th kumi tachi - yon no tachi (uke does tsuki, tsuki, shomen. nage deflects twice and then finishes); @40:39 go through each side of the kumi tachi;
@47:57 paired practice in class

@52:14 warmup (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video;
@57:02 ab workout with bokken

(58:15) 138th on-line class from 01/20/2021 Wed Regular
Theme: body work, ukemi exercises and katatetori iriminage
@00:00 intro; (warmup was moved to the back);
@00:41 tai sabaki (body movement): kaiten exercise; @01:34 tenkan exercise; @02:15 irimi tenkan; @03:08 irimi tenkan; @03:50 front foot tenchin; @05:06 rear foot tenchin; @06:20 hanmi switch;
@06:01 Katatetori shihonage-omote using hanmi shift; @14:06 ukemi for same;
@18:47 Katatetori shihonage-ura using tenkan/kaiten; @23:25 ukemi for same;
@26:49 Katatetori shihonage-omote using front foot tenchin; @31:06 ukemi for same;
@34:50 Katatetori shihonage-ura using front foot tenchin; @38:46 ukemi for same;
@23:44 henkawaza katatetori shihonage to iriminage;
@45:06 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video);
@54:07 ukemi exercises and practice;

(58:15) 139th on-line class from 01/22/2021 Fri Regular
Theme: body work, ukemi exercises and katatetori iriminage
@00:00 intro; (warmup was moved to the back);
@00:14 tai sabaki (body movement): kaiten exercise; @01:06 tenkan exercise; @01:48 irimi tenkan; @02:10 front foot tenchin; @03:22 rear foot tenchin; @04:35 hanmi switch;
@06:01 Katatetori shihonage; @08:52 ukemi for same;
@11:29 henkawaza katatetori shihonage to iriminage; @19:18 ukemi for same;
@23:44 henkawaza katatetori shihonage to koshinage; @25:44 nage; @32:31 simulated combined uke and nage; @34:14 ukemi for same;
@43:03 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video);
@52:24 ukemi exercises and practice;

(01:00:41) 140 on-line class from 1/23/2021 Sat Weapons
Theme: jo
@00:00 intro; (warmups were moved to the end of this video)
@01:03 tai sabaki: kaiten; @01:42 tenkan; @03:14 irimi tenkan; @04:31 front foot tenchin; @06:50 rear foot tenchin;
@09:33 jo suburi: choko tsuki; @11:17 shomen; @13:15 yokomen; @15:35 gyakute yokomen @17:46 men tsuki (tsuki to the head);
@20:02 basic block; @21:46 sweeping block @23:13 hasso gaeshi;
@25:54 14 count jo kata; review Side1-step 1-14 as a kata; @29:20 Side1 uni-directionally for a kumi jo;
Side 2:
@31:41 Insert combined steps 1-6; @32:07 Side 2 steps 1-6;
@22:59 Side2 steps 1-6; @26:49 Side2 Step 1-4; @32:35 Side2 Step 1-6
@37:30 Side2 steps 1-7;
@41:18 combined steps 7-8; @42:19 Side 2 Steps 7-8;
@43:15 Side2 steps 1-8
@46:14 combined steps 7-9; @47:22 combined steps 1-8;
@49:31 combined steps 7-14;
@51:13 Side2 Steps 1-14;
@53:53 combined 1-14

@56:50 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video);

(01:00:41) 141nd on-line class from 1/24/2021 Sun Weapons
Theme: bokken
@00:00 intro; (warmups were moved to the end of this video)
@00:46 bokken siburi: @01:05. Step fwd shomen/step forward tsuki/kaiten;
@01:46 2. Step back shomen/step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@02:32 3. Step 90 deg shomen/step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@04:05 4. waki no kamae (turn to look backward keeping bokken behind you)/step forward bringing bokken around/ step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@06:24 5. waki no kamae (turn to look backward keeping bokken behind you)/step backward bringing bokken around/ step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@08:24 6. irimi tenkan/step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@10:38 7. step up turn 90 deg and step back on opposite foot;
@14:18 8. turn 90 deg to open side, switch hamni (bring back foot forward to establish new hanmi);
@17:33 do one of each of the saburi

@22:58 1st kumi tachi - ichi no tachi: show both sides (with social distancing); @24:10 go through each side of the kumi tachi;
@27:13 2nd kumi tachi - ni no tachi: show both sides (with social distancing); @28:52 go through each side of the kumi tachi (uke role-strike/tsuki/strike/tsuki/strike/finish);
@33:07 3rd kumi tachi - san no tachi: show both sides (with social distancing); @37:23 go through each side of the kumi tachi;
@36:04 4th kumi tachi - yon no tachi: show both sides (with social distancing); @40:39 go through each side of the kumi tachi (uke does tsuki, tsuki, shomen. nage deflects twice and then finishes);
@40:20 5th kumi tachi - go no tachi: @40:42 show both sides (with social distancing); @42:59 go through each side of the kumi tachi; @47:38 paired practice in class

@50:50 warmup (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video;
@54:16 ab workout with bokken; @56:06 strike workout in seiza;

(58:15) 142nd on-line class from 01/27/2021 Wed Regular
Theme: shomenuchi with a sankyo opening
@00:00 intro; (warmup was moved to the back);
@00:47 tai sabaki (body movement): @00:59 kaiten exercise; @01:32 tenkan exercise; @02:33 irimi tenkan; @03:25 front foot tenchin; @05:09 rear foot tenchin;
@07:21 shomenuchi sankyo;
@08:17 shomenuchi sankyo with irimi tenkan (omote); @16:32 ukemi for same;
@22:16 shomenuchi sankyo with irimi tenkan (ura); @29:12 ukemi for same;
@33:57 shomenuchi maki otoshi with a sankyo opening; @40:51 ukemi for same;

@44:06 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video);
@55:23 ukemi exercises and practice;

(58:15) 143nd on-line class from 01/29/2021 Fri Regular
Theme: shomenuchi with a sankyo opening
@00:00 intro; (warmup was moved to the back);
@00:56 tai sabaki (body movement): @01:08 kaiten exercise; @01:45 tenkan exercise; @02:26 irimi tenkan; @03:17 front foot tenchin; @04:34 rear foot tenchin;
@06:29 shomenuchi sankyo with irimi tenkan (omote); @11:22 ukemi for same;
@14:10 henkawaza shomenuchi sankyo to koshinage; @21:43 ukemi for same;
@26:50 shomenuchi maki otoshi with a sankyo opening; @40:51 ukemi for same;
@26:50 shomenuchi maki ogoshi (wrapping hip throw) with a sankyo opening; @40:06 two variants of pins from this throw;

@42:12 warmups (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video);
@55:23 ukemi exercises and practice;

(01:00:41) 144th on-line class from 1/31/2021 Sun Weapons
Theme: bokken
@00:00 intro; (warmups were moved to the end of this video)
@00:50 bokken siburi/tai sabaki: @01:03. Step fwd shomen/step forward tsuki/kaiten;
@02:26 2. Step back shomen/step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@03:40 3. Step 90 deg shomen/step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@05:13 4. waki no kamae (turn to look backward keeping bokken behind you)/step forward bringing bokken around/ step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@07:37 5. waki no kamae (turn to look backward keeping bokken behind you)/step backward bringing bokken around/ step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@09:57 6. irimi tenkan/step fwd tsuki/kaiten;
@12:06 7. step up turn 90 deg and step back on opposite foot;
@14:18 8. turn 90 deg to open side, switch hamni (bring back foot forward to establish new hanmi);

@17:10 1st kumi tachi - ichi no tachi: show both sides (with social distancing); @18:09 go through each side of the kumi tachi; @20:04 combined practice;

@23:20 2nd kumi tachi - ni no tachi: show both sides (with social distancing); @24:57 go through each side of the kumi tachi (uke role-strike/tsuki/strike/tsuki/strike/finish); @27:55 combined practice;

@31:42 3rd kumi tachi - san no tachi: show both sides (with social distancing); @32:46 go through each side of the kumi tachi; @33:53 combined practice;

@35:57 4th kumi tachi - yon no tachi: show both sides (with social distancing); @37:01 go through each side of the kumi tachi (uke does tsuki, tsuki, shomen. nage deflects twice and then finishes); @38:43 combined practice;

@41:09 5th kumi tachi - go no tachi: @41:42 show both sides (with social distancing); @42:40 paired practice in class;

@50:14 Ki musubi no tachi, variant 1 (based on combining awase movements) (note it's spelled wrong in the video);

@55:04 warmup (have been moved from the beginning of class to the end of this video;

Aikido practice in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota