classes with weapons

Bokken (sword)
(55:40) 25th on-line class from 6/26/2020 Fri Regular Class
Bokken Shomen basic strikes - Step/Shomen, Slide/Shomen, Squat/Shomen; Tai Sabaki: front and rear foot tenchin; hanmi switch; Bokken do cut (across belly); Bokken shiho cut; Bokken shiho ura; Yokomenuchi shihonage omote/ura; shomenuchi shihonage open hand/with bokken

(59:45) 30th on-line class from 7/05/2020 Sun Weapons Class
Jo vs Bokken practice (both sides); Bokto waza shomenuchi kokyu ho; Bokto waza katatetori kokyu ho; Bokto waza katatetori shihonage; open hand katatetori shihonage; Bokto waza shomenuchi shihonage

(1:00:03) 34th on-line class from 7/12/2020 Sun Weapons
Happo Undo with Bokken; Bokken vs Jo Kumi Tachi, Bokken side; Bokto waza Shomenuchi Kokyu nage; Open hand morotetori kokyunage omote; Open hand morotetori kokyu nage ura; Bokto waza shomenuchi (morotetori) kokyu nage ura; Bokto waza shomenuchi (morotetori) (rear foot tenchin) ude kimi nage; Open hand morotetori (rear foot tenchin) ude kimi nage;

(1:00:44) 38th on-line class from 7/19/2020 Sun Weapons
Jo vs Bokken kumi tachi (entire Jo side); Jo Yokomenuchi attack; Jo tori (you start with no weapon and take the jo away) yokomenuchi ikkyo; Jo tori yokomenuchi ikkyo (using the jo to visualize partner's arm); Open hand shomenuchi nikkyo; shomenuchi nikkyo - ura; shomenuchi nikkyo - ura - ukemi

(59:37) 41th on-line class from 7/24/2020 Fri Regular using Weapons to visualize movement
Bokto waza ude kemi nage; Open hand morotetori ude kemi nage; Bokto waza iriminage; Bokto waza iriminage - ukemi; Open hand morotetori iriminage; bokto waza
Yo hizate tai otoshi (double knee body drop) and ukemi; then Open hand morotetori Yo hizate tai otoshi; shiho with Bokken; Shomenuchi Iriminage; Suari Waza Shomenuchi Iriminage

(1:00:44) 42th on-line class from 7/26/2020 Sun Weapons
Bokken vs Jo, the Bokken side full kata; Bokto waza shomenuchi kokyunage; open hand morotetori kokyunage; morotetori kokyunage ukemi; bokto waza shomenuchi kokyunage mai ukemi; bokto waza shomenuchi ikkyo; open hand morotetori ikkyo; morotetori ikkyo - ukemi

(01:00:49) 53th on-line class from 8/16/2020 Sun Weapons
Bokken: @07:11 Bokken Cutting exercises; @07:11 Slide forward Shomen, slide back shomen; @18:17 Tsuki with bokken; @23:00 Continuous block and strike exercise; @26:05 Do cut; @29:07 Kesa giri (diagonal cut, shoulder to hip); @33:53 Tai sabaki (footwork) for bokken; @46:43 Jo vs Bokken,bokken side, first half; @51:53 Bokto waza shomenuchi kokyu ho; @56:51 Bokto waza shomenuchi kokyu ho with hanmi shift;

(01:01:31) 56th on-line class from 8/23/2020 Sun Weapons
Bokken: @05:54 bokken review; @07:51 bokken strikes review; @11:54 bokken tai sabaki (movement exercises) 3 from last week, and adding 3 more, two which start with waki no kamae (sort of hiding the bokken behind you); @23:59 receiving an attack to the side using a front or rear foot tenchin; @29:56 a way of visualizing irimi with a bokken; @32:30 open hand doing the irimi; @37:53 the ukemi for this iriminage; @47:23 a way of visualizing shihonage with a bokken; @50:46 open hand doing the shihonage from katatetori; @54:17 the bokken vs jo kumi tachi, 2nd half of the bokken side

(01:01:31) 60th on-line class from 8/30/2020 Sun Weapons
Bokken: @09:43 Bokken 8 basic Tai Sabaki; @22:00 bokto waza shomenuchi morotetori ude kemi nage; @29:50 open hand shomenuchi morotetori ude kemi nage; @33:03 ukemi for shomenuchi morotetori ude kemi nage; @38:50 bokto waza shomenuchi morotetori iriminage; @44:50 open hand shomenuchi morotetori iriminage; @48:34 ukemi for shomenuchi morotetori iriminage; @53:15 the bokken vs jo kumi tachi, bokken side

(01:01:31) 64nd on-line class from 9/6/2020 Sun Weapons
Bokken: @16:18 Review Bokken side of Bokken vs Jo Kumi tachi; @18:41 Review Jo side of Bokken vs Jo Kumi tachi; @22:13 Paired practice Bokken side; @24:56 Paired practice Jo side; @27:17 8 Bokken tai sabaki; @36:11 another weapons system-1 shintai, 2 shiho giri, 
3 zen go, 
4 iriminage, 
5 shihonage omote
, 6 shihonage ura
, 7 kaiten in, 
8 kaiten yo;

(01:00:51) 89th on-line class from 10/25/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: Bokken:
@23:00 Bokken suburi Waite sensei's 8 bokken subburi - first 3;
@34:41 Bokken vs Jo Kumi tachi - bokken side; @35:00 review do cut (side body cut) ; @36:50 Review guard position; @39:07 the actual kumi tachi;
@45:05 Ukenagaeshi Bokken drill; @57:57 Kesa giri (monk robe cut, shoulder to hip cut)

(01:00:51) 92nd on-line class from 11/1/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: Bokken:
@16:40 Bokken suburi Waite sensei's 8 bokken suburi - review first 3;
@20:10 Bokken suburi No 4,5. with waki no kamae turning back;
@28:06 Bokken suburi No 6. irimi tenkan; @32:11 Bokken suburi No 7. 90 degree turn with step back; @35:29 Bokken suburi No 8. hanmi switch; @38:22 all 8 suburi in sequence;
@43:02 Bokken vs Jo Kumi tachi - bokken side;
@52:36 Another bokken kumi tachi - Ichi No Tachi;

Jo (staff)
(58:49) 26th on-line class from 6/28/2020 Sun Weapons Class
Bokken vs Jo-the Jo side; Jo waza katatetori kokyunage; Jo waza ai hanmi katatetori ikkyo

(01:02:35) 46th on-line class from 8/2/2020 Sunday weapons
Bokken vs Jo, the Jo side full kata; Bokken vs Jo with instructor simulating the Bokken; Jo waza shihonage using hanmi shift; katatetori shihonage; katatetori shihonage with instructor simulating ukemi; Jo waza shihonage ura; Open hand shihonage ura;

(59:34) 49th on-line class from 8/9/2020 Sun Weapons
starting@13:20 Bokken vs Jo kumi tachi - Jo side; @21:32 ai hanmi katatetori jo waza ikkyo ura; @28:45 open hand ai hanmi katatetori ikkyo ura; @34:50 front foot tenchin haso gaeshi equivalent to iriminage; @42:10 open hand yokomenuchi iriminage; @47:30 jo waza ikkyo ura; @53:19 open hand yokomenuchi ikkyo ura;

(01:01:31) 64nd on-line class from 9/6/2020 Sun Weapons
Bokken: @16:18 Review Bokken side of Bokken vs Jo Kumi tachi; @18:41 Review Jo side of Bokken vs Jo Kumi tachi; @22:13 Paired practice Bokken side; @24:56 Paired practice Jo side; @27:17 8 Bokken tai sabaki; @36:11 another weapons system-1 shintai, 2 shiho giri, 
3 zen go, 
4 iriminage, 
5 shihonage omote
, 6 shihonage ura
, 7 kaiten in, 
8 kaiten yo;

(01:01:31) 78th on-line class from 10/04/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: Jo basics - basic bodywork, strikes, etc:
@13:43 Jo Basics; @14:07 Jo tai sabaki-kaiten; @15:48 Jo tai sabaki-tenkan; @19:09 Jo tai sabaki-irimi tenkan; @21:11 Jo tai sabaki-front foot tenchin; @25:13 Jo tai sabaki-rear foot tenchin; @27:43 Jo tai sabaki-hanmi change;
@31:58 Basic Strikes-shomenuchi (head strike); @34:10 Basic Strikes-yokomenuchi (side head strike); @37:08 Basic Strikes-tsuki (punch);
@40:10 bokken vs jo kumi tachi - Jo side;
@48:17 yokomenuchi ikkyo using jo as a visualization aid - omote and ura;

(01:00:51) 82nd on-line class from 10/11/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: Jo: Warmup: @06:08 tai sabaki with jo; @24:09 happo undo with jo; @24:05 hassō gaeshi with jo;
@27:22 ai hanmi katatetori iriminage; @29:18 equivalent with jo...irimi tenkan shomen through hasso gaeshi;
@31:47 shomenuchi iriminage open hand @33:56 practice yokomenuchi shihonage with jo;
@38:22 jo waza katatetori sumi otoshi (corner drop) (a kokyunage); @43:44 katatetori sumi otoshi open hand; @46:40 ukemi for katatetori sumi otoshi
@47:22 bokken vs jo kumi tachi - jo side;

(01:00:51) 86th on-line class from 10/18/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: Jo:
@11:07 Jo-basic strikes; @16:35 Jo-basic blocks;
@19:46 Bokken vs Jo Kumi tachi - jo side; @22:06 Bokken vs Jo kumi tachi - both sides (physically distant);
@25:57 14-count Jo Kata with different movements on each side; @33:17 14-count jo kata - the counter (side 2);
@36:53 14-count both sides, steps 1-6; @38:20 14-count with instructor as counter (side 2), steps 1-6; @39:24 14-count with instructor as side 1, steps 1-6;
@41:14 14-count side 2 steps 1-14; @46:44 side 1 steps 1-14;
@48:08 14-count both sides physically separated; @50:50 14-count both sides with instructor as side 2; @53:17 14-count both sides with instructor as side 1; @59:26 one round each of both sides;

Tanto (knife)
(01:01:31) 70th on-line class from 9/20/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: Using Tanto to direct motion: @17:27 ai hanmi katatetori ikkyo omote; @22:03 ai hanmi katatetori ikkyo ura; @26:34 hanmi shift footwork; @28:54 morotetori kokyunage omote; @35:20 morotetori kokyunage mai ukemi; @38:01 yokomenuchi shohonage omote; @42:58 yokomenuchi shohonage ura; @46:44 shomenuchi iriminage; @50:25 morotetori nikkyo; @54:20 ukemi for morotetori nikkyo; @58:19 katate sumi otoshi;

(01:01:31) 74th on-line class from 9/27/2020 Sun Weapons
Theme: using Tanto to visualize proper positioning: @15:04 katatetori kokyunage - uchi; @18:38 ukemi for katatetori kokyunage - uchi; @19:15 katatetori kaitenage uchi - omote; @23:27 ukemi for katatetori kaitenage uchi - omote; @27:11 katatetori kokyunage soto - omote; @29:21 ukemi for katatetori kokyunage uchi - omote; @29:47 katatetori kaitenage soto - omote; @31:54 ukemi for katatetori kaitenage soto - omote; @34:37 katatetori koshinage using a rear foot tenchin opening; @40:18 ukemi for katatetori koshinage; @41:07 katatetori koshinage using an ikkyo opening; @44:46 ukemi for katatetori koshinage using an ikkyo opening; @45:32 katatetory maki otoshi uchi; @49:40 ukemi for maki otoshi; @52:54 katatetori koshinage using the maki otoshi opening; @58:13 ryotetori tenchinage;

Aikido practice in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota